

落霞与孤鹜齐飞,秋水共长天一色 渔舟唱晚,响穷彭蠡之滨;雁阵惊寒,声断衡阳之浦

Some recent interesting events.

Hmm, xolg seems to be a good diary archive point, so from now on, I will post the moments I want to share on my social media and the dynamics I want to share here. For shorter things, I might consider using Twitter. Anyway, not many people liked my previous social media posts, haha, but here it's similar but more trustworthy, hopefully. After rooting my phone, I explored and found the software and services that I truly need. I made some changes and additions and got amazed by the new system. I also discovered many new content creators on Bilibili and I really want to write my own story. Even though I'm grown up, I still have an exaggerated perception of reality. Sometimes, I can't distinguish between my fantasies and reality, so the stories I write are often disorganized and lack coherence. Sometimes, it's just a jumble. I don't expect anyone to read them, it's like Jiang Taigong fishing, whoever is willing will take the bait! What is the purpose of me writing stories? Initially, it was inspired by Professor Lobster's videos, thinking that improving writing skills can lead to all-around progress, very practical. So, I started doing this to improve myself. But later, I thought it would be more relaxing if I made it more pure. So, gradually, I told myself not to be so utilitarian. Just write for the sake of writing and express emotions!

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