

落霞与孤鹜齐飞,秋水共长天一色 渔舟唱晚,响穷彭蠡之滨;雁阵惊寒,声断衡阳之浦

Darker than darkness.

The pale yellow sun gradually swallowed by the mountain on the right,
The sky remains bright,
The remaining clouds scrape against the steep cliffs on the left,
Curled up dry leaves collide with the glasses like comets,
As the temperature drops, consciousness becomes clearer.

After the gentle breeze stops, the sky becomes even clearer,
Moist air pours into the tangible maze from the invisible darkness,
A slight shiver, and some excitement,
Moonlight slowly spills out from over there,
Flowing onto the twisted branches and rocks beneath,
The golden star is unusually bright, no less than the moon,
Like a king with his entourage, or Santa Claus with his companions,
The moon climbs from the left cliff to the right mountain,
Climbing, climbing, climbing, climbing, climbing, climbing,
Climbing across the long night sky.

Finally, it's time to descend the mountain,
Imagining the scene when the sun appears in the mind,
The radiant light will spew out from over there,
Bringing tranquility and warmth.

There is no brightness,
The moon and stars have long left the sky,
The surroundings become darker,
As if it's about to rain,
It's really so dark that you can't even see your fingers,
The temperature drops rapidly,
Breathing freezes, fear sprouts from the heart,
The unseen deep space seems to be filled with thunderclouds,
This is probably the darkest moment of the day.

Later on,
But those were all fantasies about the darkness, the sky is still clean,
It doesn't matter whether you look at it or not,
The sun still rises.

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